Javascript SC-3000 Computer, SG-1000 Console Emulator
© 2010-2016, Francesco De Simone

Sc-3000 Survivors Home

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SEGA SC-3000 Survivors CollectionPlay SC-3000 Survivors is aimed at all those who have a passion for 8-Bit retro-gaming.

This site has been developed around SEGA SC-3000 Action script 3 emulator, by Digimorf, converted to Javascript recently. Here you can play all titles released for SG-1000/SC-3000 SEGA consoles.

Soon it will be updated with more features such as save/load, but for now enjoy your retro time break!

Sorted list of Games released for SEGA SG-1000 console and SEGA SC-3000 Home Computer. Just click on a game box to play it. Follow instructions and just enjoy your "Retro-break" !

SC-3000 All GamesSC-3000 # GamesSC-3000 A GamesSC-3000 B GamesSC-3000 C GamesSC-3000 D GamesSC-3000 E GamesSC-3000 F GamesSC-3000 G GamesSC-3000 H GamesSC-3000 I GamesSC-3000 J GamesSC-3000 K GamesSC-3000 L GamesSC-3000 M GamesSC-3000 N GamesSC-3000 O GamesSC-3000 P GamesSC-3000 Q GamesSC-3000 R GamesSC-3000 S GamesSC-3000 T GamesSC-3000 U GamesSC-3000 V GamesSC-3000 W GamesSC-3000 X GamesSC-3000 Y GamesSC-3000 Z Games
This is the best source for retrogaming development boards, visit now:

All trademarks, games, names and images belongs to their owners. SEGA SC-3000 Flash AS3 and JS emulators belong to A special thanks to Survivors Team and SMS Power for games informations.